Category: conversion-optimization

Strategies For Effective Mobile Landing Pages

When designing a landing page to promote a product or service online, you're ultimately pointing users toward one goal. That goal most often relates to generating business via sales or leads. You may want users to purchase a product immediately, or you may simply want them to sign up for a mailing list. Whatever the goal, you want to ensure that every piece of the user experience works toward fulfilling that goal.

If you don't yet have goals in mind, start by defining goals. Are you seeking to generate a 10% increase in qualified leads? Are you looking to build sales by 20%? Establishing clear key performance indicators based on what will benefit your business will ultimately help you understand how to properly approach a landing page.

The post Strategies For Effective Mobile Landing Pages appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

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A Tale of Two Websites; Why Conversion Optimization Matters

Here are two example websites. Let's say that they are in the flooring business and they estimate the value of a new customer to be worth $1,500.

1,000 Visitors per month

(Traffic costs money)
Cost of $1,000/month for those visitors
Total cost per year = $12,000
Converts at 5%
50 leads per month
x 12 months
600 Leads per Year

25% closing ratio
x $1,500 Customer Value

2,000 Visitors per month

(Traffic costs money)
$2,000/month for those visitors
Total cost per year = $24,000
Converts at 2%
40 leads per month
x 12 months
480 Leads per Year

25% closing ratio
x $1,500 Customer Value

If Website A is willing to make the investment of Website B,
they would generate $450,000 in new business!

So, with the same investment, conversion optimization would generate company A $270,000 more income than company B!